1) Message from the chairman


The K12 Education Coordination Council was established through Senate Bill 2215 during the 2019 legislative session. The 20-member Council consists of legislators, executive branch leaders, and educators.

Collaboration & Coordination

Governor Doug Burgum on K12 Coordination


Aspirational Goals

The most intense and technical work of the Council is by far the work of establishing aspirational goals for the Strategic Vision Framework. This work has been daunting, but through the work of a subgroup of educators and a subcommittee that will meet as frequently as twice per month, the 6 aspirational goals have been completed that correspond to the long-term goals.

Kirsten Baesler, North Dakota Superintendent of Public Instruction


Insights.nd.gov is the state’s official source for information about public education across North Dakota. The information is provided by partner agencies through the Statewide Longitudinal Data System and is brought about through the collaborative work efforts of the following North Dakota agencies: Dept. of Public Instruction, Career and Technical Education, ND University System, Job Service ND, Dept. of Commerce, school districts and workforce development programs.

ND Insights has funding approved to expand and include a specific dashboard for the Strategic vision.


One of the key elements of our full council meetings is to conclude with a section on “timely topics.” This is 20-30 minutes dedicated to discussing the most timely or concerning issues of the day. These topics were used in a joint legislative interim Education Policy committee policy meeting. This was an insightful discussion with legislators scratching the surface of the current challenges and proposed solutions, such as teacher retention and recruitment strategies.

Photo of Luke Schaefer, Council Chairman presenting to the House and Senate Education Committees

5) Policy Work

Legislative Presentation

Luke Schaefer, Council Chairman

Presentation begins at 3:32:39 PM

Presentation of ND House Bill No. 1398

Mike Lefor, ND House Majority Leader

6) 2023-25 Scope of work

Luke Schaefer, Council Chairman